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Math Teacher

core value in education solution


Industrial Engineer

Revolutionary Mission

Technology has played a cruical role in transforming traditional learning methods. Archer Smart Display is a new emerging brand from the UK that designed to deliver up to trend technology, offering the benefit of technology advancement and higher sustainability for better ROI (Return on investment). Archer's Technology has the potential to provide more affordable alternatives and enhance the overall learning experience


Hybrid Learning


Archer Smart Display have revolutionized classroom learning, allowing teachers to create dynamic and interactive lessons that cater to different learning styles

Hybrid Classroom Solution

In a hybrid learning model, students engage in a mix of in-person classroom sessions and online learning activities. The specific implementation may vary depending on the educational institution and the needs of the learners. Students may attend classes on certain days of the week and engage in online coursework or assignments during the remaining days. Alternatively, a hybrid model may involve a combination of in-person and online activities within a single class session

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Archer Smart Display combines the functionalities of a traditional display screen with touch-screen technology, allowing students and teachers to interact with the content directly. Archer Smart Display offer a wide range of features such as Interactive whiteboards, polling systemInteractive learning platform, ebook material, video teaching material, online material, wireless connection and AI video streaming that capable to enhance classroom instruction and foster student participation

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Interactive Learning

Archer Smart Display have the ability to make learning more immersive and interactive. With just a touch of a finger or a stylus, students can manipulate content, annotate on digital documents, and solve problems directly on the screen. This hands-on approach encourages active learning and boosts student engagement. It also caters to different learning styles, as visual and kinesthetic learners can directly interact with the material

For on-site demostration


Large LED Display Solution

The LED display in the school hall is an innovative addition that brings a dynamic and visually engaging element to the educational environment. This large-scale display, comprised of LED cabinet, serves as a powerful tool for information sharing, communication, and creative expression within the school community

Archer Tech pioneers gather extensive experience in school project and have the ability to provide customize solution to our client, ensure that the content displayed on the LED wall is appropriate and aligns with the educational mission of the school

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School Hall + Multi LED Display

The multi large-scale LED displays showcase daily schedules, upcoming events, and other pertinent information in a visually appealing format. The vibrant colors and high-resolution display of the LED wall capture the attention of students, staff, and visitors, ensuring that crucial messages are effectively communicated

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Stage Hall + Stage LED Display

Archer stage LED split screen provide both manual and motor control system. The movable stage LED wall utilized as a creative space for student-led projects and performances. Students can develop multimedia presentations, videos, and digital artwork that can be showcased on the LED wall during events such as talent shows, assemblies, or open houses

True 16:9 LED Display Solution

The true 16:9 aspect ratio LED displays have recently grow its popularity. The immersive viewing experience draws viewers into the content displayed, making it highly engaging and memorable. 

Aspect ratios play a significant role in the way we perceive visual content especially in today's technology, videos are commonly capture in 16:9 aspect ratio. The Archer true 16:9 LED Display can showcase panoramic scenes, capture more details, and provide a broader field of view in 1920 x 1080p

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Conference Room + Cinematic LED Display

Archer cinematic LED display commands attention and creates a visually stunning focal point within the school. With vibrant colors, high resolution, and dynamic visuals, it enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the space

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Let us discover a new dimension of education

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