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Conference Room Solution

In today's fast-paced business environment, effective communication and collaboration are essential for success. Conference rooms play a vital role in facilitating meetings, presentations, and brainstorming sessions. To optimize productivity and enhance the overall meeting experience, businesses often invest in conference room solutions tailored to their specific needs. These solutions can vary depending on the size of the conference room, with different considerations for small and large spaces

Commercial AIO Display

Small - Medium Size Meeting Room
(4-8 people)

Small to Medium size meeting rooms are ideal for intimate discussions, quick meetings, or video conferences. Archer Smart Display is a compact, all-in-one solution that provide high profile video conferencing system, high resolution display solution, audio equipment and digital collaboration tools. In today's modern office, we should no longer waste time waiting a projector to warm up and no more lights off

Large Size Meeting Room
(10-20 people)

Large size meeting rooms are ideal for company-wide presentations, training sessions, and board meetings. Archer MAXIWall all-in-one solution offer a more immersive visual experience in ultra large display size. AI conferencecam, audio reinforcement and the build in digital collaboration tools just are the prefect assitant revolutionize the way teams work together. The MAXIWall will fit into all lift space and Archer Tech will make sure the right display size that fit you 

Room Solution For


Looking for upgrade your meeting space?


Video Marketing Is the Key

Commercial LED Display

Putting your business in front of up-and-coming consumers, video marketing benefits your business in builds brand awareness and increase conversion rates. In an era where interactive and engaging advertising experiences are becoming more prevalent, LED display has become a powerful tool to capture and retain audience attention.

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Escalators in a Shopping Mall

Shopping Malls + LED Display

LED displays have become a popular choice for shopping malls worldwide due to their ability to captivate and engage visitors. These vibrant and versatile digital signage solutions offer numerous benefits to both mall owners and retailers, revolutionizing the way information is communicated and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Case | Westfield Stratford Mall

A large outdoor LED display at Westfield Stratford Mall of London. The LED displays are eye-catching and dynamic, making It highly effective in grabbing the attention of shoppers.

Clothing Shop Window

Retail Shops + LED Display

In the competitive world of retail, creating an engaging and memorable shopping experience is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. LED displays have emerged as a powerful tool for retail shops to captivate shoppers, showcase products, and communicate brand messages effectively. From small boutiques to large-scale retail chains, LED displays are transforming the way retailers engage with their customers.

Case | Aesop London

Incorporating LED displays into the store design, retailers can create visually striking and immersive environments that leave a lasting impression on customers.

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Case | Puyi Optical Hong Kong

LED displays provide a dynamic platform for showcasing products and promotions. Retailers can leverage the versatility of LED displays to display vivid images, videos, and animations that highlight the features, benefits, and uses of their products


Case | American Eagle Hong Kong

The L-shaped LED wall configuration allows for creative and immersive visual displays as it wraps around corners or covers multiple walls. It can be particularly useful in venues where space limitations or architectural constraints exist.

Modern Workspace

Seeking solution to boost customer engagement?

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